Saturday, January 16, 2016

YAY its the weekend!

We made it peeps!
It's finally the weekend.

What a week its been.

Since my last post on Thursday I have done two more PT sessions.
I am loving it. I have more energy, I am in a great mood ll of the time so much so
my niece Leanne thought I was hiding something on Thursday and was little freaked out 
by my mood. It was quite funny to see her paranoid.

Honestly Leanne I am just happy! LOL
So Thursday session was brilliant here is what we did:

Warm-up: Cross trainer 2 minutes fast pace
All exercises were reps of 12, 4 times.

Pec deck 
Arm press

Triceps push down
Biceps pull down
Bench (chair) lifts

Weighted row
Lateral pull down

Bicept curls X15 four times 10kg barbell

Shoulder press
Lateral raises 2.5kg weights

Leg extension 40kg Works the hamstrings, quads and calves.
Seated leg press 50kg works the Quads, hamstrings, glutes and lower back.

Food wise on Thursday I had the below:
2 scrambled eggs.

Chicken breast, turnip, sweetcorn, peas and baby potatoes.

2 salmon fillets with lettuce, tomatoes, gherkin, peppers and onion
with burger in a bowl sauce.

Water intake:
2 skinny fit tea

Snacks: mixed nuts

Friday I has a rest day but food diary is below:
Special K - not very good but I was in a rush.

Cod, baked potato, sweetcorn

Myself and the other half went out for dinner this evening. 
We went to our local Italian Liberos restaurant.
It was so nice to get out for some nice food cooked by someone else.
I had Crab Claws for starter they were fantastic!
Main I had the chicken supreme which consisted of  Char-grilled chicken 
breast with mash and broccoli. It was divine.
I wold highly recommend Libros for a meal for anyone in
Balbriggan it is right on our door step and a really nice /relaxed restaurant.
Support local :) 

Water intake:
2ltrs and 
2 skinny fit tea

Another PT session at 7:30am my god it was cold getting out of bed!
We did a HIIT session this morning.

Gym this morning

Dead lift 25kg
Bicep pull down in squat position
dumb bell open arm hug 5kg
Jump squats with trx straps
Bicep curls with trx straps
Barbel upright row 10kg
lunges with trx straps
Kettlebell swing 10g
We did this circuit 3 times.

Waves with large heavy rope
mountain climbers
mountain climber cross body
We did this circuit 3 times.

floating ab crunches legs and arms
ab crunches
We did this circuit 3 times.

What is HIIT?
High-intensity interval training (HIIT), is a form of interval training, an exercise strategy alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less-intense recovery periods. HIIT is a form of cardiovascular exercise. Usual HIIT sessions may vary from 4–40 minutes. The short, intense workouts provide improved athletic capacity and condition, improved metabolism, and improved fat burning. This is why I love it. You can really feel the burn and feel how hard your body is working. Not only is your body working but so is your mind, working on your technique is so important. A good technique is crucial for your body to avoid injury.

So after this intense workout I went home and had
breakfast which was eggs scrambled.

I has a shower then chilled for a while.
a 12:30 I went to the local community center where
myself and the GAA team were put through a number of speed and agility tests to set an
 individual baseline performance measurement. 
I won't go into detail as to what we done but I really enjoyed it. In six to eight weeks time we will do it again to see if we have improved our fitness.
needless to say my body is so tired now so I don't plan on doing a hell of a lot 
for the rest of the day.

Well that's me for now.
I hope you all have a fab weekend ;)

Chow for now

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