Friday, July 1, 2016

♫ Hi July ♫

Wow The months really are flying in!
I have not been concentrating on my blog as of
late but that is about to change!

Last night I took the jump and joined slimming world.
I was at home and decided I needed to take the first step 
and think how I want to achieve any sort of goal this year.
I got into the car and went to the Bracken Court hotel in Balbriggan
where I knew there was a class on at 7:30.
I was a tad early as I just got up and left my house it was 7pm.
I went into the room and just joined there and then, I did not stop to think.
Next I knew I was a member, weighed in and sitting down 
ready for my first class of 2016. I was not at all surprised 
when I stood on the scales. I had gained 7lbs since the last time I had
properly weighed myself which was before holidays in May.
The goal over the next three weeks is too shift this "holiday/lazy mode" weight. 
Each week I am going to set myself mini targets. This week my target is 2lbs.

If I lose anymore its a bonus! 
Slimming world have two options. Extra Easy and SP. 
My plan is too the extra easy plan Friday to Sunday and extra
easy SP Monday-Wednesday. Thursday will be weigh in day.
The SP plan is a tad stricter and is 
used to boost weight loss. This is why I will use this after the weekend.
I also plan on using as little syns as possible 
and save them for the weekend. Slimming world do not recommened 
this but it is something I want to try as in the past slimming 
world has not worked for me as well as I would have hoped.

Sandra is the name of the slimming world rep 
and she is so nice! I also knew a few faces which 
really put me at ease. Some I even went to school with! 
It was nearly like a loreto convent reunion!
Everyone in the class is really nice and I am so 
looking forward to sharing my journey with them over the next
few months. 

Today is day one and all is going well!
I am actually really enjoying it. 
I did however forget my lunch going to work this
 morning :(

Its my Dad 74th birthday tonight so we are going
out to the lime kiln in Julianstown for dinner. 
As a result I have not eaten any syns
today and I have just eaten speed food all day.
I will try to choose wisely while I am out but obviously 
it wont be cooked as slimming world friendly as I would like.
I will just reign it in and pull it back the rest of the weekend and week.
The one thing we have to remember is there will always be events in
life and we have to make the best of them. That's the good thing about 
slimming world you can still eat out and just make better decisions 
about what your eating.

Well I hope you have a great

Chow for now
Xx Annie Mac xX

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