Wednesday, January 6, 2016

First Run of 2016.......Done!

Hey y'all! 

Well I finally braved it and went on a run this evening. It was calm and mild when I left the house.At first all was grand I think I did the first 1km in 7ish mins which is not great but not bad either considering I more than likely consumed a small pub over Christmas!

Me out on my run this eve (before it started to rain).

Well half way into my run the elements decided to turn against me. 
I mean rain and wind in my face I won't say it was galeforce wind but it sure as hell felt like it!
This meant I was
 blind running up the road as my glasses were not only fogged up but full of wet spots.
Anyway I soldiered on, oh I forgot to mention I also didn't wear any waterproof gear so I was saturated! My Arms were so cold and my hands were now numb.

I took out my phone to see what time I was at. 30 mins meh not bad I thought to myself I'm not going to beat my personal best of 5km in 37 minutes but I am satisfied with the time so far as I can better it.
Then what did dopey do? I closed strava accidentally! 
So my run was no longer recorded! Worst Run EVER!!!!!! 
I'm still happy I did it. As they say something is better than nothing :)

So Lunch today was actually the same as dinner last night.
Dinner tonight was as follows:

Salmon, tomatoe, lettuce, a mixture of peppers and home made coleslaw.

 Dinner this evening

 So that was my evening I'm sure ill be some what sore tomorrow.
I'm going to chill now with a cup of tea and watch RED ROCK(don't judge I love it!)

Chow for now ;)

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