Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Week 1 done and dusted

So week 1 is over and weigh in Monday happened

the verdict is......

that's 3.1 pounds so I am chuffed!!
I trained twice last week and just stuck to slimming world recipes 
for my dinner. The est of my meals were generally high in protein and low in fat. I had hardly any bread for the week and no sweets.
I also had a cheat meal on Friday as we can't go cold turkey on everything!
We are only human at the end of the day. 
It just shows gradual changes to your eating and some training can make a massive 
improvement. This loss has only motivate me to keep on going!

I had my second personal training session tonight and my niece 
Leanne joined me. It's nice having someone else to train with.
My next session is Thursday night and then Saturday morning and I am all ready looking 
forward to them. I am going to go for a walk/run tomorrow eve for about 30 minutes after work.
That will make it four sessions this week of exercise.

Next week will be a whole new kettle of fish as GAA training starts back up.
Monday - Team Gym strength n conditioning session
Tuesday - PT session
Wednesday - GAA training on Pitch session
Thursday - PT session
Saturday - PT session
Rest days - Friday & Sunday

I can all ready feel the burn!!

Yesterdays meals:

Bowl of bran flakes with skimmed milk
1 Americano skimmed milk and sweetener

Carrot and lentil soup and a chicken salad sandwich

Burger in a bowl (again)

Water intake:
2 large mugs of miss fit skinny tea

Todays Meals:

Weetabix with warm skimmed milk
1 Americano skimmed milk and sweetener

portion of red pepper and tomatoes soup 1 slice
of brown bread

so noodles with broccoli beef and peppers

Mixed nuts

Chicken salad, lettuce, tomatoes, gherkin, peppers
burger in a bowl sauce (slimming world style)

Water intake
2 large mugs of miss fit skinny tea

So that's it Week one finito,
Lets be having ya week two ;)

Chow for now

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