Sunday, January 24, 2016

The weekend and the week ahead....

Happy Sunday peeps!!

I don't have much to report about the weekend. I can't say I was overly good but I was not to

Saturday morning I had a one to one session with my
personal trainer Keith. He
really made me work.

My warm-up consisted of a ten minute 
HIIT session on the treadmill ranging between speeds of 5.6 
and 9. I had never been over 8 before on a treadmill.,
This got my heart rate up and down which is great for 
burning fat. 

We then went into my circuits.
 Starting with arms then shoulders and then onto legs.
We then went into 16 reps of each 4 rounds.

Pec deck
Chest fly
Chest press angled

Lateral pull down
Overhead dumbbell punches
Chest fly punch outs

Chest fly extensions
Shoulder press
Dumbell elbow lifts

Leg extensions
Leg Press
Walking Lunges

 It was a really good one hour session and the sweat 
was running off me which was great.
The finisher was ten minutes on the cross trainer.
Doing bursts of speed and bringing it back down to a moderate speed to keep the metabolism up through out the day. I was wreaked!

Myself  before my PT session in my pennys gear.

The week ahead will be hard.
I shall be training five days. four of them being in a row.
Monday - Thursday and then Saturday morning.
Monday - Strength and Conditioning session with my GAA team.
Tuesday - PT session
Wednesday - Pitch training with my GAA team
Thursday - PT session
Saturday - PT session
I will try my best to get out for a 3-5 km run one other day but if I don't 
I won't be too worries as its my first week training this full on in one week.

I am really hoping I start to see a difference soon in my body. I know
it can take some time as you look at yourself everyday...

This is a short post today as I have not really done much else! I did
however master the art of poached eggs!
The secret is add a small bit of white vinegar to your water.
Bring it to a gentle simmer.
stir the water to get a gentle whirlpool.
Crack your egg into a small cup so you
can pour your egg whites first into your pot.
Leave for 3 minutes, they will be perfect!

My poached eggs this morning.

 PS A Big Happy Birthday to Dara!!

Chow for now

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