Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Weekender....

Hey Peeps!

I hope your having a good weekend so far!

As its now 11 pm on Saturday night i'll have to recap on my day yesterday.

I had my first personal Training session of 2016 tonight it went really well!
My trainer Keith started the session of with a warm up of:
 jumping jacks, heel kicks, knees up and then an exercise I can only describe as "you look like your on a cross trainer but your not". I did 3 cycles of this.
I then went onto legs.

 All exercises were done in blocks of 5 and 12 reps

Leg press 
Leg extension
Squats with 20kg bar bell on shoulders 

Arms & Shoulders:
Pec deck
Arm press
Weighted row
Arm press
Dumbbell overhead hammer extensions
Barbell curls
Dumbbell hammer curls
Triceps push down
Dumbbell Triceps overhead extensions

Bench Press 1 leg jumps 20 reps X3

I really enjoyed this workout and can't wait to go back! My arms and legs are sore today
 am guessing they will be even more so tomorrow.

It's safe to say I was sore coming home and built up a sweat! I had to have a bath 
to relax after.

Compared to most Fridays this one was very quiet for me I called to see one of my best friends for an hour and a bit and had a laugh and yes I did go to her house in my pajamas! :)
 When I got home I curled up in front of the fire watching Making a Murderer on netfix. Drinking a cup of tea. 

My PT's new gym

Fridays Meals:

2 Slices of brown bread with mall amount of butter.
1 Americano with 1 sweetener and dash of slimline milk.

Salmon salad and baked potato
Salad consisted of:
Tomatoes, peppers,onion,carrots,lettuce, couscous,
soy noodles,boiled egg.

Boiled rice, satay chicken and veg

Water intake:
Not as much as the couple of days before 
but better than none.
I also had three cups of miss fit skinny tea (I LOVE it!)

Woke at 10 am and got straight back into Making a Murderer, totally hooked! Pretty sure
we will finish it tonight!  We have a family Christening today and my boyfriend
Ronan has been asked to be godfather. 
I myself have two godchildren Andrew and Sam. Ronan now also has two, Ben and Chloe.
Whats nice is Ben and Sam are siblings and Andrew and Chloe are siblings.
So we are godparents to both children in both families.

We had a few bits to do today before the Christening. We popped into 
pavilions where I finally got my hands on Cocoa Browns Golden Goddess!
OMG I LOVE IT! It works great as a highlighter!! It's so pigmented and smells amazing! It's only €9.50 in Pennys.

Me today after the Christening.

My outfit is actually all pennies, this was just a coincidence as I didn't buy it all at the same time.
My shoes and bag are Tesco. Us Irish Girlos love a bargain from the high street as well as our labels! I hope to be a size or two smaller than the above picture going on my holidays in a couple of months so we can call the above exhibit A the before picture. (Only because I have not posted a proper one yet!)

Saturdays meals were as follows: 

Bowl of All Bran and a large coffee with skimmed milk and sweetener.

Didn't have time to grab lunch today :(
 I know this is sooooo bad but it was because of the day that was in it.

Salmon with broccoli, baby potatoes, carrots,cauliflower.
two glasses of soda water and lime.

I didn't really get to have much water today either so Sunday I shall be lashing 
the H2o into me :)  I will go for a walk/run tomorrow to loosen up as I know I will be even 
more stiff an sore tomorrow after Fridays workout! 

Sorry for such a long post but if I didn't do it now I would forget everything.

Anyway chow for now :)

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