
Myself & My Mam
Thanks for popping by my blog. My name is Ann and I am from Dublin. I am 28 years old and I work in IT (to fund my pennys addiction!)  I love GAA and I play for a very successful local Ladies team, O'Dwyers.
Since a young age I was always interested in craft, design and technology. People always said I had a good eye for things and could put my head and hands to making just about anything. I am very lucky to have really supportive parents who have always supported my endevours. At the age of nine in 1997 I got my first PC. Back then it was good old windows 95 with a massive 32mb RAM, 4GB hard-drive,  56K dial-up modem (yes people a time where there was no wifi and you had to wait stupid amounts of time for one web page to load! Wifi was only launched later that year) I was one of the first kids in my estate to have a PC (not gloating or anything!). This is where my love for computers and technology in general came from.
I studied a BSc in Computer networking and support for three years in Dundalk Institute of Technology  then went on to study a HONS BSc in IT Management. Today I work in a very successful company supporting its users on a daily basis. 

I started whoisshe_Anniemac in January 2016 the reason being was I fed up and wanted a new hobbie to motivate myself!
I called my blog whoissheAnniemac as some friends of mine gave me the nickname Annie Mac some time ago and also Who am I anyway!? I'm me! I am hoping the blog will help me to lose weight and also give me something to concentrate on other than the weightloss battle. Its so hard to lose weight so I am hoping others will understand/relate to my posts.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog.
Annie Mac 
Disclaimer: I have no sports/fitness/beauty/skincare/haircare training at all . Everything I post about is from my own day to day life experience and all opinions here are my own.

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