Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Hey guys! Sorry I didn't post yesterday I'm still adjusting to life back in work post Christmas!  

Anyway....  I had another good day yesterday. 

45g of low sugar granola with fresh strawberries and low fat yogurt 
1 American with a dash of slimline milk and 1 sweetener.

Bowl of homemade butternut squash soup. 
Salad consisting of tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, cous cous and 2 hard boiled eggs. 

1 small chicken fillet, peas, carrots with 3 baby potatoes.

4 750ml bottles = 3ltrs

I also had 1 cup of tea and 2 biscotti biscuits. (the small ones you get in a cafe  with your coffee) 

I didn't do any exercise yesterday as after dinner I could not keep my eyes open so I went to bed.  

It's now Wednesday and I'm planning on going for my first run of 2016 tonight. I've no idea how I'll get on but I'll use strava to measure my time and distance.  I will be happy to just get out there this evening! I'm not planning on doing a specific time or distance tonight, as I want to see what I'm capable of first without going hell for leather. It's been about five or six months since I did a proper run so my body will have to adjust all over again to pounding the paths.  

I'll post how I get on later :) 

Chow for now!

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