Sunday, January 24, 2016

The weekend and the week ahead....

Happy Sunday peeps!!

I don't have much to report about the weekend. I can't say I was overly good but I was not to

Saturday morning I had a one to one session with my
personal trainer Keith. He
really made me work.

My warm-up consisted of a ten minute 
HIIT session on the treadmill ranging between speeds of 5.6 
and 9. I had never been over 8 before on a treadmill.,
This got my heart rate up and down which is great for 
burning fat. 

We then went into my circuits.
 Starting with arms then shoulders and then onto legs.
We then went into 16 reps of each 4 rounds.

Pec deck
Chest fly
Chest press angled

Lateral pull down
Overhead dumbbell punches
Chest fly punch outs

Chest fly extensions
Shoulder press
Dumbell elbow lifts

Leg extensions
Leg Press
Walking Lunges

 It was a really good one hour session and the sweat 
was running off me which was great.
The finisher was ten minutes on the cross trainer.
Doing bursts of speed and bringing it back down to a moderate speed to keep the metabolism up through out the day. I was wreaked!

Myself  before my PT session in my pennys gear.

The week ahead will be hard.
I shall be training five days. four of them being in a row.
Monday - Thursday and then Saturday morning.
Monday - Strength and Conditioning session with my GAA team.
Tuesday - PT session
Wednesday - Pitch training with my GAA team
Thursday - PT session
Saturday - PT session
I will try my best to get out for a 3-5 km run one other day but if I don't 
I won't be too worries as its my first week training this full on in one week.

I am really hoping I start to see a difference soon in my body. I know
it can take some time as you look at yourself everyday...

This is a short post today as I have not really done much else! I did
however master the art of poached eggs!
The secret is add a small bit of white vinegar to your water.
Bring it to a gentle simmer.
stir the water to get a gentle whirlpool.
Crack your egg into a small cup so you
can pour your egg whites first into your pot.
Leave for 3 minutes, they will be perfect!

My poached eggs this morning.

 PS A Big Happy Birthday to Dara!!

Chow for now

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Blue Monday and hump day.....

Hey Peeps!

Happy hump day! Boy oh boy am I glad today I took a rest day.  I called for a catch up and a walk with my best friend Andy after work on Monday. He made me dinner which was gorgeous and also healthy. We did a 4/5km brisk walk. After our walk we went into Penny's as I wanted to check out the gym gear.  OMG in love!!!  The stuff they have is Fab roll on payday so I can get more. I bought two tops and two pair of cropped workout leggings in black and pink.

Pennys gym gear

I had my first strength and conditioning class with the girls from my gaa team in Platinum  Gym Balbriggan. It was an intense hour with our trainer who will be with us for the next eight weeks, Sinead.  We did two circuits of ten exercises four times and then an abs blast for the finisher.  I can honestly say I have never sweat like I did on Monday ever in my life.  You'd swear I got caught in a heavy rain shower, only for the fogged up glasses and tomato red face that gave it away U clearly had done some physical workout.  Not only was this class physical but it was mental, a few times I felt like giving up but I had to overcome this and power through which takes a hell of a lot when you can feel how tired your body is.

The class included the following:

Dead-lift 15kg
Wall sit
High knees
Power step knees
Push ups
Mountain climbers
High plank alternating arms up/down on step
Squat jumps
Jumping jacks
Russian floating crunch 
Sit-ups with bar bell

I think there was more....  Just not coming to mind.

Food wise on Monday I had:
Breakfast - 3 Eggs 
Lunch - Chicken breast,salad and cous cous 
Dinner - Turkey stir-fry and veg with noodles.
 I also had 4ltrs of water.

So that was my blue Monday and as you can see it was not very blue apart from maybe my face during that Class gasping for a breath.

Well the legs were a tad sore after the previous night's class but nothing major. I had another personal session with Keith today.  It was harder than usual because my muscles were exhausted. I found near the end of the class I was not able to lift a 10kg bar bell.  Where the week before I was lifting 25kg! 

We had a circuit training class this evening involving lots of legs and arm work. 
No class is ever the same with Keith which is what I love about training with him.

Warm up x2
Jumping jacks
High knees
Heel kicks

We then went into our first circuit and did this 3 times. 
1 leg box jump with 10kg Weight
10kg kettle bell swing
25kg deadlift
Trx squats
Bicep curl 10kg barbell
5kg Dumbbell boxing

Then we went into 30/40 seconds of
1 leg squat jumps three rounds.

Second circuit 3 rounds
10kg Kettle-bell lift with squat
Trx pull ups 
5kg dumbbell boxing over head 
10kg weight chest push

Finisher all arms with 5kg dumbbells x3
Arm extensions arms by sides
Over head alternating arm punch

I was done! 
Which brings us to today my rest day. A happy Annie!!

My food today was:
Breakfast - 3 eggs scrambled
Lunch -  2 chicken breast with salad and a bridal and chickpea soup. 
Dinner - steak, carrots, cabbage, sprouts
3ltrs of water today
1 coffee 
1 tea

That's all for now folks.
My bed is calling chow for now. 
Annie Mac

Saturday, January 16, 2016

YAY its the weekend!

We made it peeps!
It's finally the weekend.

What a week its been.

Since my last post on Thursday I have done two more PT sessions.
I am loving it. I have more energy, I am in a great mood ll of the time so much so
my niece Leanne thought I was hiding something on Thursday and was little freaked out 
by my mood. It was quite funny to see her paranoid.

Honestly Leanne I am just happy! LOL
So Thursday session was brilliant here is what we did:

Warm-up: Cross trainer 2 minutes fast pace
All exercises were reps of 12, 4 times.

Pec deck 
Arm press

Triceps push down
Biceps pull down
Bench (chair) lifts

Weighted row
Lateral pull down

Bicept curls X15 four times 10kg barbell

Shoulder press
Lateral raises 2.5kg weights

Leg extension 40kg Works the hamstrings, quads and calves.
Seated leg press 50kg works the Quads, hamstrings, glutes and lower back.

Food wise on Thursday I had the below:
2 scrambled eggs.

Chicken breast, turnip, sweetcorn, peas and baby potatoes.

2 salmon fillets with lettuce, tomatoes, gherkin, peppers and onion
with burger in a bowl sauce.

Water intake:
2 skinny fit tea

Snacks: mixed nuts

Friday I has a rest day but food diary is below:
Special K - not very good but I was in a rush.

Cod, baked potato, sweetcorn

Myself and the other half went out for dinner this evening. 
We went to our local Italian Liberos restaurant.
It was so nice to get out for some nice food cooked by someone else.
I had Crab Claws for starter they were fantastic!
Main I had the chicken supreme which consisted of  Char-grilled chicken 
breast with mash and broccoli. It was divine.
I wold highly recommend Libros for a meal for anyone in
Balbriggan it is right on our door step and a really nice /relaxed restaurant.
Support local :) 

Water intake:
2ltrs and 
2 skinny fit tea

Another PT session at 7:30am my god it was cold getting out of bed!
We did a HIIT session this morning.

Gym this morning

Dead lift 25kg
Bicep pull down in squat position
dumb bell open arm hug 5kg
Jump squats with trx straps
Bicep curls with trx straps
Barbel upright row 10kg
lunges with trx straps
Kettlebell swing 10g
We did this circuit 3 times.

Waves with large heavy rope
mountain climbers
mountain climber cross body
We did this circuit 3 times.

floating ab crunches legs and arms
ab crunches
We did this circuit 3 times.

What is HIIT?
High-intensity interval training (HIIT), is a form of interval training, an exercise strategy alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less-intense recovery periods. HIIT is a form of cardiovascular exercise. Usual HIIT sessions may vary from 4–40 minutes. The short, intense workouts provide improved athletic capacity and condition, improved metabolism, and improved fat burning. This is why I love it. You can really feel the burn and feel how hard your body is working. Not only is your body working but so is your mind, working on your technique is so important. A good technique is crucial for your body to avoid injury.

So after this intense workout I went home and had
breakfast which was eggs scrambled.

I has a shower then chilled for a while.
a 12:30 I went to the local community center where
myself and the GAA team were put through a number of speed and agility tests to set an
 individual baseline performance measurement. 
I won't go into detail as to what we done but I really enjoyed it. In six to eight weeks time we will do it again to see if we have improved our fitness.
needless to say my body is so tired now so I don't plan on doing a hell of a lot 
for the rest of the day.

Well that's me for now.
I hope you all have a fab weekend ;)

Chow for now

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Happy hump day!

Hey Peeps!

Happy hump day :)
Were nearly there the weekend is in sight!

Tonight I was joined by two of my friends
Carla & Gráinne for a 25 minute workout.
We did a High intensity interval training session.

Here is what we did:
Jumping Jacks 
Squats with 5kg kettlebell
Chair dips
Running on the spot
Mountain Climbers
Kettlebell swing
wallsit/lunges/burpees/inchworm push up (could choose to do any one at this station)
We did 20 seconds on and 10 rest between stations 4 times.

Myself & Carla during our rest period of round 2

Meals today

Scrambled eggs (3 eggs) with one slice of brown bread

Chicken breast with salad 
consisting of lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, gherkin.

Mixed  nuts

t was so late when I got home as I had a meeting after
HIIT that I was not in the mood to cook. So I had a bowl of 
bran flakes. (I know not the best but hungry and in a hurry)

Tomorrow I have my next personal training session and I can't wait.
I'll be sore come Friday that's for sure!

Time for a cuppa and a catch up of Red Rock :)

Chow for now peeps!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Week 1 done and dusted

So week 1 is over and weigh in Monday happened

the verdict is......

that's 3.1 pounds so I am chuffed!!
I trained twice last week and just stuck to slimming world recipes 
for my dinner. The est of my meals were generally high in protein and low in fat. I had hardly any bread for the week and no sweets.
I also had a cheat meal on Friday as we can't go cold turkey on everything!
We are only human at the end of the day. 
It just shows gradual changes to your eating and some training can make a massive 
improvement. This loss has only motivate me to keep on going!

I had my second personal training session tonight and my niece 
Leanne joined me. It's nice having someone else to train with.
My next session is Thursday night and then Saturday morning and I am all ready looking 
forward to them. I am going to go for a walk/run tomorrow eve for about 30 minutes after work.
That will make it four sessions this week of exercise.

Next week will be a whole new kettle of fish as GAA training starts back up.
Monday - Team Gym strength n conditioning session
Tuesday - PT session
Wednesday - GAA training on Pitch session
Thursday - PT session
Saturday - PT session
Rest days - Friday & Sunday

I can all ready feel the burn!!

Yesterdays meals:

Bowl of bran flakes with skimmed milk
1 Americano skimmed milk and sweetener

Carrot and lentil soup and a chicken salad sandwich

Burger in a bowl (again)

Water intake:
2 large mugs of miss fit skinny tea

Todays Meals:

Weetabix with warm skimmed milk
1 Americano skimmed milk and sweetener

portion of red pepper and tomatoes soup 1 slice
of brown bread

so noodles with broccoli beef and peppers

Mixed nuts

Chicken salad, lettuce, tomatoes, gherkin, peppers
burger in a bowl sauce (slimming world style)

Water intake
2 large mugs of miss fit skinny tea

So that's it Week one finito,
Lets be having ya week two ;)

Chow for now

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Fighting temptation.....

Hey Peeps!

Another late post again.
Today was a really nice day! It was my friend Trish's birthday and I was invited to her 
afternoon tea to celebrate.
Now you may have noticed the name of today's blog post...
Today was exactly that!! I was fighting temptation from the very minute I walked in the 
door of my friends house. What a spread of scrumptious, mouthwatering, deliciousness that was 
before me:  eclairs, roulade, homemade scones, sandwiches, cakes, everything I cannot have.
It all looked so so girly and pretty.
There was also brown bread slices with smoked salmon so I stuck to those and they were 
so tasty.

Not having any of the sweet treats didn't bother me as I had my bran flakes before I left so I wasn't hungry. The one thing I would have loved was a glass of prosecco but as I said I resisted temptation :)
I settled in with a sparkling water in a wine glass so at least I felt like I was drinking and a part of the group.
I was in awe of the flowers that were around the house. Trish's sister is a florist and made all the miniature bouquets they were gorgeous!

Massive happy birthday to Trish & thanks so much for a
really nice day!

Trish & I above left and the beautiful flowers/spread of food

So I didn't get out for a walk today as I woke late and then was off out to the party.
I'll have to work even harder tomorrow so the plan is kettlebells and a workout or two from 
Vicky from Geordie Shore's DVD.

Two things I want to mention.
I really look after my skin. I pre-cleanse, cleanse, tone and moisturize every 
morning and evening.
Two things I picked up in Pennys this weekend were the Garnier Micellar extra-gentle cleansing wipes and a facial cleansing brush.
Now I know what your all saying NOOOOO don't use wipes! but let me finish. I always take 
my heavy makeup off  with Micellar water on an oval cotton pad. These wipes are just that but pre-packed for convenience! I never use these straight on my skin as I said it is pre-cleansing for taking my heavy makeup off.
After I have done this I cleanse with my cleansing lotion, when I seen this facial brush in Pennys for a bargain €1:50 I had to buy it.
I love it! My skin feels amazing after using it two days in a row.
It really gets your cleanser deeper, on one side there is a brush and the other is for massaging. I really recommend buying one of these. I know I am going to pick up more just to have them in the drawer.

Garnier Micellar Extra-Gentle Cleansing Wipes €2.30 and the facial 
cleansing brush €1.50 both available in Pennys .

So that's me done for the weekend not one drop of
alcohol has passed my lips :)

Chow for now!

The Weekender....

Hey Peeps!

I hope your having a good weekend so far!

As its now 11 pm on Saturday night i'll have to recap on my day yesterday.

I had my first personal Training session of 2016 tonight it went really well!
My trainer Keith started the session of with a warm up of:
 jumping jacks, heel kicks, knees up and then an exercise I can only describe as "you look like your on a cross trainer but your not". I did 3 cycles of this.
I then went onto legs.

 All exercises were done in blocks of 5 and 12 reps

Leg press 
Leg extension
Squats with 20kg bar bell on shoulders 

Arms & Shoulders:
Pec deck
Arm press
Weighted row
Arm press
Dumbbell overhead hammer extensions
Barbell curls
Dumbbell hammer curls
Triceps push down
Dumbbell Triceps overhead extensions

Bench Press 1 leg jumps 20 reps X3

I really enjoyed this workout and can't wait to go back! My arms and legs are sore today
 am guessing they will be even more so tomorrow.

It's safe to say I was sore coming home and built up a sweat! I had to have a bath 
to relax after.

Compared to most Fridays this one was very quiet for me I called to see one of my best friends for an hour and a bit and had a laugh and yes I did go to her house in my pajamas! :)
 When I got home I curled up in front of the fire watching Making a Murderer on netfix. Drinking a cup of tea. 

My PT's new gym

Fridays Meals:

2 Slices of brown bread with mall amount of butter.
1 Americano with 1 sweetener and dash of slimline milk.

Salmon salad and baked potato
Salad consisted of:
Tomatoes, peppers,onion,carrots,lettuce, couscous,
soy noodles,boiled egg.

Boiled rice, satay chicken and veg

Water intake:
Not as much as the couple of days before 
but better than none.
I also had three cups of miss fit skinny tea (I LOVE it!)

Woke at 10 am and got straight back into Making a Murderer, totally hooked! Pretty sure
we will finish it tonight!  We have a family Christening today and my boyfriend
Ronan has been asked to be godfather. 
I myself have two godchildren Andrew and Sam. Ronan now also has two, Ben and Chloe.
Whats nice is Ben and Sam are siblings and Andrew and Chloe are siblings.
So we are godparents to both children in both families.

We had a few bits to do today before the Christening. We popped into 
pavilions where I finally got my hands on Cocoa Browns Golden Goddess!
OMG I LOVE IT! It works great as a highlighter!! It's so pigmented and smells amazing! It's only €9.50 in Pennys.

Me today after the Christening.

My outfit is actually all pennies, this was just a coincidence as I didn't buy it all at the same time.
My shoes and bag are Tesco. Us Irish Girlos love a bargain from the high street as well as our labels! I hope to be a size or two smaller than the above picture going on my holidays in a couple of months so we can call the above exhibit A the before picture. (Only because I have not posted a proper one yet!)

Saturdays meals were as follows: 

Bowl of All Bran and a large coffee with skimmed milk and sweetener.

Didn't have time to grab lunch today :(
 I know this is sooooo bad but it was because of the day that was in it.

Salmon with broccoli, baby potatoes, carrots,cauliflower.
two glasses of soda water and lime.

I didn't really get to have much water today either so Sunday I shall be lashing 
the H2o into me :)  I will go for a walk/run tomorrow to loosen up as I know I will be even 
more stiff an sore tomorrow after Fridays workout! 

Sorry for such a long post but if I didn't do it now I would forget everything.

Anyway chow for now :)