Friday, November 11, 2016

Happy FRI-YAY!!!!!!

Happy Friday peeps!
In the words of Alan Carr "Well what a week its been!"

11 days and counting on my plan. 
So the dress I spoke about in the last blog post arrived
during the week. 
Good news it FITS!
All though it is a tad tight so now I'm on a serious mission!
Operation trim waist is now in progress.

I have been to the gym three times this week one AM session and 
two PM sessions. I love how great you feel on a Friday
after the gym.
I also weighed myself while I was there and 
I have thankfully lost 1 kg this week.
Hard work and willpower really does pay off!
Seeing that scales go down this week has really mad the hard points of
this week worth while.
I am chuffed!

I keep a food and exercise diary now.
I plan my workouts before going to the gym so I'm not
walking around between sets cooling down. I know I am
getting a good 50 minute workout.

Generally my food intake has not been to
different to last week,
breakfast, lunch and dinner, 2/3 litres of water per day
no sugar in my coffee, no soft drinks and some protein.
I'm also currently drinking miss fit skinny tea which I love.
Lots of people are doing the drop a dress size 28 day challenge with
Miss Fit Skinny tea. You can join the group on facebook for it here:

I'm motivated to keep going. I have one week to go
and then its party time at the club dinner dance on Saturday 
19th! I cannot wait for the event.

I'll post my food Diary for the weekend 
on facebook on Sunday.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

Ciao for now 
Annie Mac

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