Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The horrible reality of back pain....

Hi All,

I hope you all had a great Easter and lots of chocolate has
been and gone!!
I know I ate more chocolate than usual! 

My ultimate favourite above - The Lindt bunny!

So... where have I been? I hear you ask.
No-where... is the answer. I have been recently dealing with
back trouble. About nine months ago I somehow unknown to myself managed 
to hurt my back. 
In the last nine months. I have seen the doctor three times, went to two different 
Physiotherapists, had two MRI scans and seen a consultant in the sports injury clinic.
I still do not know why I 1. have this pain! or 2.How I got the pain.
I have been told so many different things I don't know what to believe anymore.

One of the many MRI scans I had. Yes that is my insides! lol

The pain is essentially on/in the right shoulder blade area. This pain affects my neck, arm 
and shoulder. It is constant and I get no relief. 
This week it is at its worst and I could not comfortably 
sit at my desk in work. it's affecting my day to day life and routine. 
All I want to do is get it sorted as I'm sure anyone else with
back pain or any constant pain in day to day life will know you don't feel normal.

This injury is affecting my weight loss journey essentially as I
cannot train. I cannot go to GAA training, I also cannot go to the gym when the pain
is this extensive.

I joined Flyefit in swords last week 
check it out
I really love it. Not being able to go is very annoying.
I may have to pause my membership until I am able to go back again.

I really want to do well this year as I have promised myself
I will be more motivated and determined to lose weight and feel better about

I have also signed up to Hell and Back
which I should be training for!

Anyway hopefully I get sorted soon and I
can continue properly with my blog and weightloss journey.

Chow for now
Annie Mac

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