Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Lack of Motivation & my mental battle......

Hi Peeps!

It has been a long time since I posted on the blog. This one is going to be
as real and as honest as I can get.

Why have I not post in so long?
Well I have an injury the last while now. I hurt my shoulder and
sometimes it flares up. When it does I am in so much pain I can't physically do anything
but rest to relieve it.
SO not last week the week before the shoulder flared up.
I stopped working out to rest it but then I just could not get back into
the swing of things when it got better. I'll be honest I let go and ate like a horse.
Pizza, Indian, Chipper you name it I had it!

Last year I was diagnosed with depression & anxiety.
Depression affects around 450,000 people in Ireland. That is one in ten people
in the country. Anyone can be affected by depression in some way or another.

Yesterday I was feeling for want of another word "CRAP!"
I didn't want to be in work, I didn't want to go to football training.
I wanted to go home, curl up into a ball in my bed and close my eyes for the evening.
I had no want nor no desire to move or even talk to anyone. 
So how did I overcome this?

Step 1: Take time to relax

I got in from work and the first thing I did was have a cup of tea.
Took ten/fifteen minutes to sit down and have a chat with my friend. 
This all ready made me feel a little better. We had a cup of tea after a long day in 
work and a good chin wag.

Step 2: Get changed,put your gym gear on!

Don't put too much thought into it just think of it as 
getting out of your work or school clothes....

 I'll admit even five minutes
before I was due to leave for training,  still had excuses in my head...
"I've felt sick all day maybe I shouldn't go"
"I'm really tired"
and so on. I stopped for a moment 
and just did not think. I picked up my keys and walked out the door.
That was 

Step 3. Walk out the door, that's the hardest part!

I know if I sat or stood there thinking about it I would not have went.
I got into my car and went straight down to my club without thinking about it.
It was cold, I cursed myself for forgetting my warm hat!
Ten minutes into training I felt so much better. Fresh air and exercise is all it took
to get me out of my slump. Not to mention the drills we did at training were
fun and effective.

Suffering from both depression and anxiety can be a mental battle
at times and can sometimes get the better of you. 
Your constantly tired,
You don't feel the need or want to do things,
You can even get ready to go for run or workout but when you reach the 
front door an overwhelming feeling of fear and panic hits you.
You turn around and run back upstairs and hide under your duvet. 
This was me a year ago. 

Now I try find a way to push through these feelings. As mentioned 
above I took everything one thing/step at a time without 
over thinking it. 

So how do I keep going....
I've set myself some goals in order to get me back
into the swing of training. You will see below I have signed up for some races.
This will make me work harder as I need to be fit enough to complete all of these.

My Goals/motivation from now until August 

I am also going to concentrate on the blog more. 
The blog I can use as an outlet as to how I'm feeling or what I did or
plan to do.
I hope other find my blog a little bit helpful. 

Chow for now
Annie Mac

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