Friday, November 11, 2016

Happy FRI-YAY!!!!!!

Happy Friday peeps!
In the words of Alan Carr "Well what a week its been!"

11 days and counting on my plan. 
So the dress I spoke about in the last blog post arrived
during the week. 
Good news it FITS!
All though it is a tad tight so now I'm on a serious mission!
Operation trim waist is now in progress.

I have been to the gym three times this week one AM session and 
two PM sessions. I love how great you feel on a Friday
after the gym.
I also weighed myself while I was there and 
I have thankfully lost 1 kg this week.
Hard work and willpower really does pay off!
Seeing that scales go down this week has really mad the hard points of
this week worth while.
I am chuffed!

I keep a food and exercise diary now.
I plan my workouts before going to the gym so I'm not
walking around between sets cooling down. I know I am
getting a good 50 minute workout.

Generally my food intake has not been to
different to last week,
breakfast, lunch and dinner, 2/3 litres of water per day
no sugar in my coffee, no soft drinks and some protein.
I'm also currently drinking miss fit skinny tea which I love.
Lots of people are doing the drop a dress size 28 day challenge with
Miss Fit Skinny tea. You can join the group on facebook for it here:

I'm motivated to keep going. I have one week to go
and then its party time at the club dinner dance on Saturday 
19th! I cannot wait for the event.

I'll post my food Diary for the weekend 
on facebook on Sunday.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

Ciao for now 
Annie Mac

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Happy hump day!

Hi Peeps!

Urban dictionary describes "Hump Day! as:

"Wednesday, or the hump of the week. The absolute BEST day of the week, the day of maximum hope that maybe, you might make it out of this week alive. A particularly good hump day can last you the rest of the week, and by doomsday morning (Monday) you survive by anticipating hump day. Nothing goes wrong on hump day"

I always thought hump day was a bad thing until today!
I had a great day and I am feeling fabulous!

My food intake for today was as follows:
Breakfast: weetabix  x2 & 1 americano
Snack:Brown bread with butter and jam (I know the Jam is bold)
Lunch: Salad no dressing
Snack: 30g popcorn & Mint choc fulfil protein bar
1 americano
Dinner: 2 Poached eggs on Wholemeal bread & 1 cup of tea
Water intake: 2ltrs

Calorie wise I had: 1239kcals

I also went to the gym 
While in the gym I did the below:

Bike 10 minutes for my warm up.
I then went into a Tabatha style routine.
This consisted of 45 second bursts as hard and fast as I could go
with a 90 second rest between each. I did this cycle 10 times.
I broke it up between the treadmill and cross trainer. While on
the treadmill I did speed 11 for my 45 second bursts 
and between speed 5 and 6 for my rest. I then finished 
on the cross-trainer doing the same as above on an elevation
 of 2 and level 5.
I was sweating I could actually feel my fat crying!
It felt great!

I then went on to do some weights, 
5kg dumbbell curls 12 reps x3.
Tricep pull down 27kg 12 reps x3.
Lateral pull down 30kg 12 reps x3.
I then finished with some ab work on the abdominal bench.

It's not the most difficult routine but it's  
a start. I'm feeling good and that's all that matters.
I bought a dress online this evening for the gala ball that
ill be going to in three weeks. It's a back up in case I do not like
how I look in any of the current dresses I have. I did buy a dress all
ready for the night but I am just not comfortable in it.
Hopefully in three weeks time i'll feel comfortable and can share 
what dress I went with for the event.
For now that's my goal. three weeks time!
I can do this!

Depending on how my body feels I might
go to the gym again tomorrow evening.
If not I will go on Friday after work.

What I'm Loving at the moment:

 I am totally loving the dark evenings! 
When I came home from work I 
went to the gym, showered, ate my dinner then sat down to
watch some TV. It was still only seven pm
Bliss!! It's also getting that little
 bit colder so the fire was lit which
made the sitting room so cosy. It really is the one thing I love
about this time of year! The Days feel so long! 
 Therefore I feel more relaxed.

Thanks for reading!
Ciao for now :)
Annie Mac

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Time to wake up and get serious!

Hi All,

I know, I know! It's been a while yet again I am back. 
Halloween is over so that only means one thing... Christmas is around the corner!
In 8 weeks time it will be
done and dusted for another year!
So whats the plan? I hear you ask. 
I'll be honest I went back to see good old gym last week
I went twice both 6am sessions. I was
good last week for about 4 days then the weekend came and I
more or less undid everything! Story of my life!

Anyway, It's a new week and Monday has been and gone
Today I went for a run with  my friend Carla at lunch time.
We did bursts of 2 minutes jogging/running and 1 minute walking.
It was short but better than doing nothing!
In the morning I am heading to the gym with my mate Nicola.
I plan on doing 20 minutes of full on weights and a 10 minute
burst of cardio to finish. The gym only opens
at 6am and I need to be on the road for work by 6.45
hense why it is so short.
I feel good after today, Day 1 is over,
I have not ate bad and dinner is in the oven.
Chicken, Vegetables and sweet potato chips.

I am going to make some changes for the next three weeks. 
1. No Sugar in my coffee or weetabix.
2. No Junk food - clean eating that has to be prepared.
therefore cutting out any processed foods.
3. No alcohol, yes girls I said it!
I need to do this. I have a dress to fit into in
three weeks so I need all the help I can get and the above 
changes will help me.

In three weeks my club has its awards night which
I am really looking forward to. I want to feel comfortable 
and confidant in myself going to this event.
It's set to be a great night. My team have
three awards to collect so it will be a great end to
a great season to celebrate with the girls and the rest of the club.

Details of the O'Dwyers gala ball and Awards Night.

Todays meals:
Breakfast: Branflakes
Snack: Fulfill Protein Bar
Dinner: Chicken, Vegetables and  Sweet potatoes

Hopefully I am as good for the rest of the week
I am defiantly determined.

Ciao for now
Annie Mac