Monday, July 11, 2016

A fab first week! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So last week as you know I joined slimming world.
Weigh in was last Thursday evening. I was so nervous going down.
I must have been in and out of the toilet all day with nerves!!
To my amazement I shed four and a half  pounds!

I could not believe it! I still don't believe it.
I did stick to the plan 100% so for that I got rewarded.
I still could not believe one week of slimming world and
I lost that amount of weight! I did slimming world a couple of years ago
and I never ever lost any more than 2lbs in one week. 

Everyday I have my skimmed milk for my healthy extra A
and weetabix or shredded wheat with strawberries for my Healthy
extra B.
Every day I had 2 oranges, an apple, a pear and strawberries.
Dinner was a slimming world meal of some sort. Generally protein of which
was some form of meat free and speed foods. These are your veggies
and carbohydrates.

I also consumed a limited number of syns each day as I knew I had
a pretty heavy weekend ahead. Usually I would eat all my syns which is 15
per day. I was having max 6 a day and saving the rest for my weekend.
slimming world do not recommended you do this but if it works
for you there is no harm.
I also had one day of exercise as I had a football match last Wednesday.

However..... its now week 2! 
The weekend came along and so did Beyoncé in Croke Park.
She was fairly good but for €120 standing ticket I expected her production
to be alot better. It mainly consisted of her strutting up and down a catwalk like stage and a huge
screen behind her.

Myself at Beyonce in Croke park.

Its Amazing what shedding a few pounds 
can do for your confidence. I felt great at beyonce the weekend
and more importantly I enjoyed myself, There is no point in
missing out on events or things in life just cause your trying to lose 
weight. Life is still going to happen so enjoy it while you can. 

I drank by the bucket load of alcohol over the weekend. I did not however
over indulge in food I still ate as slimming world healthy as possible. I am hoping
that will somewhat stand to me come weigh in on Thursday! We will see!

 It's back to the grindstone today and I have a couple of days to real it back and hopefully
un-do some of the damage before weigh in.
So all going well I am hoping I'll stay the same!

All that is needed is a little planning. Fail to prepare
prepare to fail is what they say!
Last week at group I bought the slimming world
diary and its really good. I am definitely
going to use it to my

Anyway I am going to post most days from
now on. So ill keep you all
posted on my week ahead!

Chow for now

Annie Mac

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