Friday, July 21, 2017

Lets Catch up!

Hey Peeps,
As usual its been a while!
sure I may as well be consistent with my lack of blog posts!
let me fill you in.

 My Sister Linda & Gary's Wedding
One big thing that did happen on June 30th was my sisters 
wedding!!! It was an amazing day! I still can't 
believe she is married <3 and she made the most beautiful bride!
Welcome to the family 

I went with a cream and baby pink Dress with pink fascinator
rose gold shoes and Bag.
This was one of three dresses I had bought for the wedding!
The stress of it LOL
The wedding took place in Balscadden Church which is a small,
intimate, pretty church just on the outskirts of Balbriggan. 
The reception was then held in the Glenside hotel. 
The whole day was fab, food was amazing and the music was superb.
There really is nothing better than a family wedding.
There was a Prosecco and Guinness reception on arrival for all the 
guests. The couple had also organised a singer in the resident’s bar while 
the guests waited to be called for dinner and the wedding photos got underway.
This was a nice touch. The style at the wedding was fab!
There was also an amazing blow up photo-booth which 
everyone had a crack at after dinner.

Thank you, Linda & Gary, 
for an amazing day I'm sure you had a ball! 
Can't wait to see the wedding photos!

Techies for Temple Street
On July 7th, Myself and 19 others from Zendesk took part in the finale of Techies for Temple Street. This is the third year Zendesk has taken part and this year the company were the main sponsors. My team was called team Sombrero and the other Zendeskian team was team Relationshape. We all boarded the bus for the RDS at midday. 
1,000+ people from all different companies across Ireland technology 
sector came to Dublin to compete in the techies for temple street treasure hunt. This consisted of a mind and body stimulating challenged across the capital city.
The event was tun by an event company called dynamic events and hosted the trail online.
In total, we walked/ran 15km around Dublin city in one of the hottest days of the summer. The trail this year was on an app, we had to go to different locations around the city and unlock and complete challenges. We may not have won or even came in the top 10but we sure had great crack. I would highly recommend this charity event and I will defiantly be taking part again next year. 

Simon Community room to improve in Oak house
Zendesk also partner with a lot of other charities in the city and beyond.The Simon Community and YMCA are two of these charities.I took part in a project called Room to Improve. This is wherevolunteers come and help decorate and improve rooms in the facility. Oak house is a high support housing facility in Dublin 7. Ithouses 32 individuals at present. Eachhas their own bedroom, which consistsof a bed, wardrobe and sink area.Before the Simon Community took the building over, it was ran by the local council. As you can imagine it was not in great shape as it is an old building.Six of went down to oak house that morning and were given Rollers and paintto decorate three bedrooms. As you can imagine the threeresidents whose rooms were getting the makeover were very excited.It felt good knowing doing something so small can make one person so happy.

The group were split into groups of three. A pair in each room. 
Myself and Jamie had the pleasure of doing the smaller of three.
We completed two coats of paint on each wall and pretty much finished this room. 
I unfortunately don't have any before and after pictures.
It was a really rewarding experience and if the chance ever comes up
again to do something like this I will be jumping on board.

Zendesk announce 300 new jobs
Many people may have heard via the news that Zendesk is expanding. 
This means 300 new jobs are being created in Dublin.
Dublin will be the EMEA region headquarters. 
We currently reside in one grande parade and will
 move down the canal to 55 Charlemont place.
The new building will hold 500 employees and is to be a
super state of the art build for all us Zendeskians to enjoy. 
On the morning of the announcement July 12th
we (staff of Zendesk)were invited 
to come and enjoy the spread in our fountain space.(canteen/event area) 
Here is where we were treated to champers and some really nice 
canapés from Gather and Gather.
Zendesk also invited our Tánaiste Francais Fitzgearld which she
gladly accepted. The room was full of press, staff and other 
VIP's for the event.

If you would like to donate to any of the charities mentioned above 
you can do so via the following links:

Dublin Simon Community:

Temple Street Children's hospital:

Thanks for reading!

Chow for now 
Annie Mac 

Monday, June 19, 2017

Summer has arrived!!!


What a weekend! 
I hope everyone got out and enjoyed the sun,
 it really was fab!Long may it continue!
Happy Monday everyone.

My weekend was pretty hectic to say the 
least but I still got a workout in. 
On Friday I had the taste of Dublin which is 
always a great day/night out. Smash hits 
were playing which is really the highlight of the event!
The weather held up too which made it even better. 

On Saturday after my workout I just chilled in the sun
like everyone else in the Ireland! 
We also went to a very impromptu
BBQ, It wasn't a late night as we were 
wreaked from the evening before and 
the beautiful heat.

So..  I stretched my workout as far as the
 outdoors on Saturday and did
it in sun in my back garden. It was roasting as 
I'm sure you know but I was not
in the mood to be indoors, in an empty
 gym looking out at the sunshine.

My workout:
I wanted to concentrate on arms, abs, back, lats and glutes.
I made my own HiiT workout up with the use of 
two 5KG kettle bells, an AB roller and an exercise ball.

The set consisted of:

15-20 reps on ab roller.
15-20 reps of Abdominal side bends with 5kg weight 
(above repeated on each side).
15-20 reps of back lifts (on exercise ball) this
 targets glutes, lat muscles and back.
15 - 20 reps stomach crunch (on exercise ball).
20 press-ups.
15-20 reps of kettlebell swings.
5 sprints of up/down back garden (cardio to get the heart rate up).

It took me about 30/40 minutes to do 
this workout, it was very hot which made it harder 
but I enjoyed the cold shower afterwards!
The next day I really felt it on my back and sides,
 even now on MondayI'm still a little tender. 
Not in a bad way in a good way. 
Which is great because I did not think it would 
do much so it obviously has. I am going to
 continue this once a week as its nice to 
step outside the gym walls
 into the fresh air and mix it up a bit.

This morning I decided to Jog to work from my bus on
the keys. I get off at the convention centre and usually
cycle from there up the canal to work. 
Yet again it was a warm one! I was hoping I
would get there in 20 minutes but that was even a struggle!
The journey is 3KM and it took me 29 minutes which 
lets be fair is not a great time! 
At least I did it, I'm working late tonight so
I won't get to go to the gym. 
 Something is better than nothing.

What have you done for your body today?
Get up and enjoy the weather 30/40 minutes you'll
feel great for it!

Thats all for now thanks for

Annie Mac

Friday, June 9, 2017

Whats been happening?

Heyyy Peeps!! 

It's been a long long time since I've posted anything.
Mainly because I have been busy with different things over the past few weeks.
One major thing that has changed since being active on the blog
is I started a new job. I now work for a company called Zendesk and I love it!!
Anyone who follows me on snapchat will know why!
snapchat handle: ann.mchale

Enjoying a prosecco @ my work leaving party

I had my leaving party in 37 Dawson Street. They have a 
small bar down the back called the Whiskey bar. This is for a more
relaxed setting before your night gets started. It has a 
a large couch and comfy seats to relax on.
The staff were so accommodating and even gave me a bottle of
prosecco as a thank you/congratulations on the new job which was
really nice. I would defiantly recommend the venue for 
any party or event.

Thank you to all my friends/colleagues in AZ Tech for coming out on the night!
I had a ball and I will never forget my time or the people in Allianz.

on to my new digs....Zendesk
I now work for the IT Global Support team in Zendesk.
and it is awesome.  I love my new Job!
Upon starting I received my MacBook Pro and lots of Zendesk Swag!
Including a bag, a jumper, a coffee cup, a t-shirt, a water bottle and a
portable Zendesk power bank.
My colleagues are all good fun and I have a super cool boss :)

Some Zendesk Swag & Cupcakes

Myself along with the rest of the Zendesk new hires for May & June 

April/May was quite busy for me with
changing job, My oldest friends wedding,
 my sisters hen party in Portugal, a trip
to visit my other sister in the UK along with going to the gym and football.

My oldest friend of 27 years Edward got married to
his beautiful wife Karen on the 27th April.

Myself, my Mam & Edward the day of his wedding 21years
after our first trip to the zoo.

Karen & Edward on their wedding day.

The wedding was one of the best I have been too if not the best!
  The wedding venue including the ceremony was in
the Spingfield Hotel in Leixlip.
I was an emotional mess at the wedding.
I was just so happy to see my friend so happy and so in love.
Myself and Edward grew up together and he was/is pretty much the brother
I never had so obviously I was going to be emotional.
After a stunning ceremony the guests were treated to
a prosecco reception while the room was reset for the

The Couple had everything for their guests. At our table
was a lovely poem which I obviously cannot remember! It basically said
how were both lucky to have found one another and to look
under our plates, they hope someone
 in the room would become lucky. Underneath the
 plates of each guest was a scratch card each. I
have never seen this done before but along with the poem it was just really nice.
My scratch card did not make me rich unfortunately!
There was also a very large photo booth which was kept busy
throughout the night. The photographer also had
a gold frame, he was floating around taking pictures of the guests also.

Ronan, myself & my parents at Edward & Karens wedding.

The happy couple also had a sweet kart
and favors in the ladies bathroom consisting of all the
requirements a girl should need :)
The band and DJ kept us dancing all night, it really was
a great wedding! 
The hotel setting was stunning.

Thank you Edward & Karen for a wonderful day!

I left the wedding at 2:30am I would have stayed later
only for the fact I had a flight to Portugal to catch with 22
Mad hens for my sisters hen party in Albufeira. I arrived at the
airport a fair bit hungover after the wedding the night before.
The flight was dodge. Only when I landed did I start to feel normal again.
When I say Albufeira is mental it is! I would defo
recommend it for a mad drinking holiday, a hen or stag party.

The Bride and I

All the Hens with the Bride to be my sister Linda in Albufeira

On the first night we went hell for leather out on the strip all dressed
as lifeguards. needless to say a good few of us were out until the early hours of the morning!
I think the last time I saw on the clock was 6:30am.

The next day most of the group went to the beach while
myself and Nicole slept our hangovers off!
We relaxed by the pool for a few hours before getting ready 
to go out. The theme on the second night was black and classy.
We went for a slap up meal in a restaurant called the hot stone. The food
was divine! 
Just to mention my mother is 70 and she partied harder than most of us on the hen
I actually do not know where she gets the energy from! She told
me it was her first ever hen party, I could not believe it. It was
nice though because her first hen party happened to be
her daughters. <3

Anyway my sisters wedding is this month!
On June 30th, I cannot wait. The dress is bought
and operation slim down(again) has commenced!!

I also went to visit my sister Helen the end of May.
She moved to the UK a few months ago and
it was time for a catch up. While there we went to 
see Take that in the Getting Arena. The concert 
was brilliant!!!!
I see take that are streaming their concert tonight 
into cinemas across Ireland and the UK I would highly recommend if your 
a Take That fan and you didn't go to the concert to get on this right away!
Odeon and IMC cinemas have the rights to it so check you local listings.
We had a great time with my Sister and her partner Bal. The 
high light has to be my mother tasting one of the hottest sauces in
the world. Her reaction was priceless! I also got it on
video which is even better! 
Thanks Sis for a great weekend! 

I think that pretty much brings me up to date 
with all things here in the life of Annie Mac.

The next big event is the wedding eeekkk. I cannot wait!
Best of Luck to My Sister Linda & Gary on their Big day.

I will post on the blog hopefully once a week from 
here on out.

Chow for now!
Annie Mac