Friday, September 9, 2016

Goodbye August ... Hello September

Well August has clearly been and gone!
Not one post from myself on my so called blog! 
I keep saying "I will get back into the swing of things tomorrow!"
Tomorrow never comes!

 This is what I need to figure out....
Why do we fall off the bandwagon so easily but find it 
so hard to jump back on?
At this rate I am chasing the wagon down the road
and giving up as soon as I get out of breath! The Wagon is
long out of sight for me to jump back on again!

I started slimming world back in July (i think) and as
soon as I gained I gave up! I gave up with the lifestyle
changes, the syns and 
I  unfortunately gave up in myself more than anything....
I felt deflated and defeated 
and if I'm being totally honest
I still feel the same now sitting here in September.
For some reason as of late chocolate has become my weakness!
I have never been a big chocoholic
but as of late I find myself thinking and wanting chocolate more and 
Once it's in my head that's it, I need to get rid of the craving
by having it. It's a vicious circle because once I have
it I feel guilty which then in turn makes
me eat more to cheer myself up....
Who is this chocolate beast?
I honestly do not know her!!

How can I overcome this? I have tried setting goals,
I have tried all the diets! Do I need to re-train my
brain into a different way of thinking? 

Here is my month in review.....
August was a very busy month for me. I had
my Mams 70th birthday,
Her actual birthday is on the 3rd of August which was a week
day so myself and my sisters called up to her with balloons, presents.
cake and of corse the prosecco! (this was definitely
the start of my downfall!)
Mam was over the moon and she really enjoyed 
the evening with her daughters and some grandchildren.
My sisters and I had chipped in to get my mam a special gift.
A necklace.... It has all our names and birthstones in it which I 
thought was a really nice touch. 

website for necklace:

A more detailed photo of the necklace is over on my instagram:

The big night was still yet to come.
To this day I cannot believe we pulled it off.
We held  surprise party for my Mam in 
Kealys Pub in their new hanger 6 function room.
Which is so beautifully decorated. I love it.

Dion who helped me organise everything was 
amazing and I would just like to thank her and 
the staff for a great night. 

Before the party I had organised the beautiful Grace Mongey
of FacesByGrace to come and do
Mams make-up along with my own.
Grace is so talented at what she does and she is
such a nice girl I loved having her over to make us up!
Thank you Grace and best of luck with BabyFaces <3

Graces amazing work above and mam totally shocked 
when she walked into the party!

Check some of graces social media outlets below;

The party was a great success and we had
120 people at it. We also had a photobooth/photobox
which my friend in work developed. We ran it on a raspberryPi.
this went down a treat and some of the photos were quite funny!
Thanks Zac!

Another big event in August was
my football teams Championship final against Na Fianna.
Final score: O'Dwyers 4-18 Na Fianna 1-06
After the win we all went back to the club for some
well deserved food and drinks. It was 
nice to sit down and have the laugh with 
the girls on the team and our management.
Well done again girls! 

So here we are September yet again.... before 
we know it, it will be Christmas and 2016 will be gone!
That means I only have a couple of weeks to
get myself sorted.
I think I need to concentrate on being happy.
If I keep on being negative I won't get anywhere.
Its time to change my way of thinking.

The club have a dinner dance coming up so
this is going to be my first goal.
I'm not going to say I want to be this weight or a certain
size. Instead I just want to be comfortable in my dress
and in my body.

I have re-joined the gym and I am going to
hopefully get a program this week if
not next week. I will do this program 20 times
and then I will re-visit the trainer for a new program.
On days where I do not feel like doing the program I will do
one of the gym classes to push myself.

I know this has been a long post
but it has been a long time since I wrote anything.
I had lots of other things and events on over the last month
or so also but I don't want to keep rambling on.

Chow for now!
Annie Mac