Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The struggle continues.... Hello May!

Hi everyone!

I hope everyone is enjoying the Irish summer 
(The sun when it's here and off course the rain!!)!
It's finally May! 
The year is really flying in. This
is going to be another honest post from me.

At the moment I am battling with my heart and head.

My heart because it longs for me to have the body
I have always wanted.
My head because I am still finding it difficult to motivate myself.
Today I came home from work with the intention of
going for a run as I really need to start training.
Instead I ended up in bed having a nap! 
What 27 year old comes home and naps?
I got up after 30 minutes and put my gym ear on
and drove to my friends house we had agreed to 
go for a run together. As its Ireland it obviously 
started raining so needless to say 
the run did not happen. I used the weather 
as an excuse not to go.
My head told me not to go because it was raining.

Exercise is the best anti-depressant and here I
am avoiding it.... 

I look at the makeup fairy (Joanne Larby) on snapchat 
and the bodycoach (Joe Wicks) @thebodycoach 
and I long to 
have their motivation and determination. These two 
people are inspirational. I truly admire all their hard work,
willpower and determination. (go follow them!)
I know its hard work and they put in so much to
be where they are with their bodys and fitness so why can't I?

The answer is: I have no Plan.

Last week David Gillick (twitter:@DavidGillick) was in my work place
to talk about nutrition and fitness. His talk was great! Not only
was it fun and fresh but it was honest and I really enjoyed it!
One thing he said really hit home
with me.
"A goal without a plan is just a wish"

This is so true. If you do not plan how you are going to get to your
goal? Your not your just wishing.
This is what I do all the time. 
Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.

So I need to get my ass in gear and 
plan how I will achieve my goal.
I need to get my head in the game as they say!

This is what I will do over the next few days.

1. Get the shopping in and prepare my meals.
2.Plan my fitness regime
3.Enjoy it!

Hopefully the next few days will be better for me 
and I can finally move on from where I am in my head
at the moment.

Chow for now 
Annie Mac
